Liquidated Borrowers

The Borrower page presents its liquidated history.

Summary displays rundown data.

Borrower Behaviors examines the relationship between the liquidation amount and the counts of liquidations. The figure will also show the borrower's history if he or she appears on more than 1 protocol on a certain day.

Latest Liquidation lists all the liquidations done on the current borrower in chronicle order. Other than revenue, liquidation amount, and liquidation LTV, the other 4 columns in the list can be examined in detail.

Liquidation Leaderboard reveals the current borrower's liquidation transactions ranking by the profit for the liquidator, top liquidators ranking by amount, top liquidations ranking by amount, and top liquidated assets ranking by amount.

Tx Profit leaderboard tab shows the top liquidation transactions ranked by profit for the liquidator.

Click on the row, and you can examine the details of the liquidation transaction.

You can also click the Liquidator, Asset, and Protocol to view their details.

The Liquidator tab displays the liquidators' data ranked by liquidation amount. You can also find their liquidation transaction number and liquidated assets number.​Write a caption

The Liquidations tab displays the top liquidation transactions using Liquidation Amount as the ranking condition. You can also examine the transaction detail, assets, and protocols of these transactions.

The Liquidated Assets tab lists tokens ranked by liquidation amount. Click the asset symbol and name, you can examine its profile.

The Liquidator tab displays the liquidators' data ranked by liquidation amount. You can also find their liquidation transaction number and liquidated assets number.

Click the liquidator's address to view its detail.

Last updated